Monday 10 October 2011

Things that Girls love to hear from Boys ♥

There is one thing thats common in all the girls and thats the love for compliments. Below are important Things that Girls love to hear from Boys.

I like your smile. ♥
You look great in that dress. ♥
You have a great figure. ♥
You are gorgeous. ♥
You hair look nice when you leave them open. ♥
That color looks great on you. ♥
Shower your girl with these compliments and be sure to have a romantic time with her. ♥

Emotional Compliments: :-)

Lot of girls like to hear emotional compliments from their guys. If you are deeply in love with the girl these are the best things to say to her:

You complete me.
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
You are the most beautiful person I have ever met.
You are the light of my life.
Try these and see that glow in her eyes that says that she likes what you say.


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